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caring through clothing

簡介 About Us

聯絡本會 Contact Us

電話 Telephone: (852) 2111-9190

傳真 Fax: (852) 2635-6066

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會址 Address: 


Unit D5, 23/F, TML Tower, 3 Hoi Shing Road, Tsuen Wan, N.T., Hong Kong

開放時間Opening hours: 

星期一至五 Mondays to Fridays: 9 am to 5:30 pm

星期六 Saturdays: 9 am to 1 pm

​星期日及公衆假期 Sundays & Public Holidays: Off


      本會乃香港註冊慈善機構:91/16255,  為綾緻康健服裝中心之延續。創辦人吳秀芬博士(Dr. Frency Ng) 乃前理工大學教授,從事服裝教育三十多年,於 2007年在香港創立全亞洲第一所康健服裝中心,以專業設計的功能性衣物解決行動不便及有特殊衣著需要人士的衣著問題,改善老弱及傷殘人士的生活質素。



  1. 為有特別衣物需要的人士解決衣著上的難題

  2. 提升老弱傷殘人士的自顧和自信,及減輕照顧者的負擔和壓力

  3. 推廣以衣服關愛社羣的概念念,傳揚共融互愛精神


  1. 提供康健服裝的訂製服務

  2. 為老弱人士及/或其照顧者提供專業諮詢服務

  3. 推廣以衣服為媒介的慈善活動

  4. 研發不同的康健服裝及相關產品,照顧有不同衣著因難的人士

         The Association is a registered charity in Hong Kong: 91/16255, which is a continuation of Troels H Povlsen Care Apparel Centre. Founder Dr Frency Ng, a former professor of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University who has been engaged in garment education for over 30 years. She founded Asia's first care apparel centre in Hong Kong in 2007. The aim of the center is to solve the dressing problems of people with limited mobility and special clothing needs with professionally designed functional clothing, and to improve the quality of life of the elderly and the disabled.
      Frency and her team have been providing  custom made clothing service, training and professional guidance for community caring homes and private individuals for more than a decade. It aims to solve the clothing difficulties for people with special clothing needs in society. The core value of the association is to use clothes as a medium to promote the spirit of love and inclusion,  to serve and care the community through clothing. 

Our Mission

  1. Solve dressing problems for people with special clothing needs

  2. Enhance self-care and self-confidence of the elderly and the disabled, and reduce the burden and pressure on caregivers

  3. Promote the concept of caring the community through clothing, and spread the spirit of communion and mutual love

Scope of Services

  1. Provide care apparel  custom made  service 

  2. Provide professional consultancy services to the elderly and disabled, and/or their caregivers

  3. Promote charity activities using clothing as the medium

  4. Develop different care apparel and related products to take care of people with different clothing difficulties

  • 何謂康健服裝? What Is Care Apparel?
    康健服裝專為穿衣服較困難或有特別需要人士設計的服裝,其特點如下: 衣服的設計照顧了使用者的需要,幫助使用者更易穿著,一方面增加使用者的自顧能力,另一方面減輕照顧者的負擔,從而幫助使用者建立更多自信和尊嚴,讓其心理質素得以改善。 康健服裝著重其功能性及外觀,有助使用者建立及改善社交能力。 衣服的設計及用料均照顧使用者的心理和生理舒適度,為使用者提供適當的保護。 Care Apparel is intended for those who have difficulty in dressing as well as those with special clothing needs. These are the main features of care apparel: The clothing designs permit more independence and enable the wearers to take care of their personal needs as much as possible. The specialized designs also help to reduce the responsibilities of those who take care of them. The Care Apparel can also enhance self-confidence and self-esteem which are beneficial to the psychological well-being of the wearers. The clothing can meet functional and appearance requirements, thereby contributing to the social adjustment of the wearers. Psychological and physical comfort are taken into consideration when designing and choosing materials for care apparel in order to enhance a sense of well-being for the wearers and to reduce chances of undue accidents or hazards.
  • 服務範疇 What do we do?
    Our Services 教育展示 Education 藉著提供康健服裝及相關用品的資訊與展示,讓公眾對康健服裝有更多的認知及關注。Arousing public concern and enhancing their knowledge through providing information about care apparel and related products. 專業研發 Research & Development 研究及開發不同的康健服裝及相關用品,照顧有不同需要的人士。Researching and developing new care apparel and related products which serve the needs of different target groups. 諮詢與支援 Enquiry & Support 提供專業諮詢及支援服務,接受個別使用者及照顧者的查詢。 Providing professional consultancy and supporting services by handling enquiries from wearers and care takers. 回饋社會 Special Contribution 集結社會人士的力量,推行社會服務活動,例如:產品派發、學生義工服務及社區探訪等。Promotion of social service activities such as product distribution, student volunteers and community visits which involve the participation of University professors, students and members of the general public. 創辦人感言 Our Founder's Testimonial "在康健服裝協會,我們明白要改變世界有時候只需要自己先出一點綿力。作為社會一份子,我們要集中更多我們的力量於社區中的老年人和殘疾人。" "Here at Care Apparel Association, we understand that sometimes all it takes to change the world is a little support. As members of society, we must focus more of our energy on the elderlies and people with disabilities or illnesses in the Community. " 吳秀芬博士, 協會創辦人 Dr. Frency Ng, Founder 本會宗旨 Our Mission 康健服裝協會作為東南亞區一所創新的康健服裝中心,結合「專業」與「服務社群」理念,以提供嶄新及多元化的康健服裝及相關服務予年長及殘疾人士為宗旨。 此外,協會以衣服作為關心社群的媒介,集結專業力量,包括紡織及製衣學專業學者、服裝設計師及技術員、康復治療師、醫護專才與社會科學界人士,設計及展示各類康健服裝,藉此回饋及服務社會,讓公眾對康健服裝有更多認識。 As one of the first innovative care apparel associations in the Far East region, we aim to integrate the concepts of 'specialised clothing' and 'social care' with an aim to serve the elderly and disabled. Through clothing, it demonstrates care and concern for the society. The Association also provides the community with specialist consultation and resources in order to promote the concepts and importance of care apparel through the joint efforts of experts at the Institute of Textiles and Clothing, clothing designers and technicians, rehabilitation specialists, health care professionals and social scientists.
  • 有現成康健服裝出售嗎? Do you have any ready-made products?
    我們現為有需要之人士提供度身訂造康健服裝的服務。我們只有部分康健服裝的備有現貨,如: 防滑襪﹑ 圍裙及底衫等。Basically our centre provide consultation and tailor-made sevice for people with special needs on clothing. However, we keep stock only on few items such as non-slip socks, aprons and under garments.
  • 請問是如何收費? How will we charge you?
    本協會是非牟利機構,製作康健服裝的收費只會收取成本價格作為中心捐款。We are a non-profit making centre. A basic product cost will be charged as a donation for the centre.
  • 開放時間 Opening Hours
    本協會星期一至五的開放時間為早上九點至下午五點半。星期六開放時間為早上九點至下午一點。We open from 9 am to 5:30 pm from Monday to Friday. For Saturday, we open from 9 am to 1pm.
  • 訂造康健服裝時,需要度身? Does the user need to come to you for measurements taking?
    這並不是必要的,你可以提供使用者平常穿著的衣服,讓我們可以參考尺寸。亦可按此下載個案紀錄表,填寫所需衣物及其呎吋後傳真至本會。 It is NOT necessary. You can bring the user's clothes to us for taking the measurements. You can also download the measurement taking form here and fax it back to our centre after filled in the size & design specification of the clothing required.
  • 協會歡迎公眾的設計和意見嗎? Does the Association accept designs and advices from other people?
    我們非常歡迎公眾提供意見以改善我們現有的設計。最近,我們就得到蘇小姐對輪椅雨衣設計的意見。蘇小姐對輪椅雨衣製作很有經驗,她曾為自己和朋友設計過雨衣。她設計包括了一個覆蓋下肢的腳套。(如下圖) 蘇小姐分享說這設計既方便輪椅使用者自行穿著,又能確保雙腳不會弄濕。We always welcome advices and suggestions from the public. For example, recently, we have received Miss So Kam Mui's comment on the issue of raincoat design. Ms. So has good expreience in making raincoat for herself and her friends. The design of raincoat that she contribute to our centre is a lower limb cover (as per photo attached below). She explained that the design is convenient for wheelchair users to put on by themselves and good enough to avoid getting wet in rainy days.
捐款 Donation


根據《稅務條例》第88條,Care Apparel Association Limited是一所註冊獲豁免繳稅的慈善機構,任何捐款超過港幣$100均可獲發正式免稅收據。

Your donation helps us continue our work in designing and producing care apparel and adaptive clothing. We are a not-for-profit organization that relies solely on donations from generous individuals who share our vision of providing a better living place for our next generations. ​Money raised will be used to fund the production of such apparel, campaigns, to create educational materials, to conduct educational talks and conferences, and to conduct promote the awareness of adaptive clothing in corporates, schools, and different communities. 

Care Apparel Association Limited is a registered charity under Section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance. Any donation over HKD$100 can receive a tax exemption receipt.  



協會轉數快 FPS ID: 101068419

銀行名稱:ICBC (ASIA)




Please make crossed cheque payable to CARE APPAREL ASSOCIATION LIMITED and mail to


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